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Jay Clue @jayclue | Atlas Packs Pro Team Ambassador

JAY CLUE Atlas Packs SINCE 2022

This is 's Athlete Pack and camera gear.

JAY CLUE Atlas Packs What's in my camera bag video.



  • HI, I'm


    scubadotcom's profile picture 🤿 DIVER SPOTLIGHT: JAY CLUE ✨ @jayclue is an award winning photographer, educator, and conservationist based in Baja California Sur, Mexico. He’s also an accomplished technical diver and instructor with over 6000 dives under his belt. His passion for marine conservation led him to the world of photography & storytelling in hopes of bringing the remarkable beauty of our planets oceans to more humans across the globe. Jay is known to be an outspoken & strong proponent for marine conservation & research. After years in the industry he founded the award winning Dive Ninja Expeditions in Los Cabos, Mexico as a platform to bridge the gaps between ocean tourism and marine science & conservation. Under all the tattoos you’ll find a big nerd, who has 4 university degrees and numerous diplomas on all kinds of subjects from shark biology to quantum mechanics and marine archeology.



    –Sony Alpha 1
    –Sony Alpha 7S III
    –Sony 16-35mm f/2/8 G Master
    –Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 G Master II
    –Sony 28-60mm f/4
    –Sony 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 G Master
    –Sony 90mm f/2.8 Macro G

By Allan Henry

Jay Clue @jayclue | Atlas Packs Pro Team Ambassador

Jay Clue (@jayclue) is an award-winning photographer, educator, and conservationist who uses captivating photography combined with passionate storytelling to motivate people all over the world to cherish and preserve the natural beauty of our planet. With his Sony camera in hand, he captures the stunning artistry of our planet through photography and cinematography, ranging from captivating underwater scenes to breathtaking aerial shots and awe-inspiring nightscapes. When not working on commercial projects, he shares his passion for photography and conservation by leading workshops and facilitating unforgettable experiences with ocean wildlife around the world.

Atlas Packs Athlete backpack: My Athlete pack goes everywhere I go. Being a hybrid shooter working in multiple environments on a single shoot means I’m almost always carrying a ton of gear, and the way this pack distributes weight makes it feel like I’m barely carrying anything. Plus, it keeps my gear safe, whether it’s traversing deserts, a zombie apocalypse, or running through airports to catch the next flight.

Jay Clue is an award winning photographer, educator, and conservationist based in Baja California Sur, Mexico. He’s also an accomplished technical diver and instructor with over 6000 dives under his belt. His passion for marine conservation led him to the world of photography & storytelling in hopes of bringing the remarkable beauty of our planets oceans to more humans across the globe. Jay is known to be an outspoken & strong proponent for marine conservation & research. After years in the industry he founded the award winning Dive Ninja Expeditions in Los Cabos, Mexico as a platform to bridge the gaps between ocean tourism and marine science & conservation. Under all the tattoos you’ll find a big nerd, who has 4 university degrees and numerous diplomas on all kinds of subjects from shark biology to quantum mechanics and marine archeology.

–Sony Alpha 1
–Sony Alpha 7S III
–Sony 16-35mm f/2/8 G Master
–Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 G Master II
–Sony 28-60mm f/4
–Sony 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 G Master
–Sony 90mm f/2.8 Macro G