Smart packing is the key to seamless adventures

Let's take a look at the camear gear and setup has with ADVENTURE PACK: Access and Workflow

For those carrying a Gripped Sony Alpha Kit with lenses like the Sony GM 200-600, GM 16-35 2.8, GM 24-70 2.8, and GM 100-400, the Origami Camera Core™ in the Adventure Pack offers plenty of space and flexibility. While the camera core measures longer than these lenses, glass longer than 17.5in / 43cm may push into the top fold of the core.

Why? As you reach the upper limit of the measurements, there is some natural flex and wiggle room, meaning the pack adjusts based on the objects you’re storing. Depending on your setup, your pack may measure deeper or shallower on each side. For example, lots of small lenses make better use of space compared to one large telephoto lens down the middle.

When setting up your pack, use your judgment and adjust to fit your specific needs, ensuring efficient use of space and easy access to your gear.