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Stan Moniz | @stanmoniz

I got my Atlas Packs in 2018. I have the Athlete Pack and have included a photo of my pack and list of camera gear below.

Which pack does use >> Athlete Pack


Sony fx3

Sony fx30

Sony E 15mm f/1.4 G lens

Sony FE 50mm f/2.5 G lens

Sony FE 14mm f/1.8 GM lens

Sony FE 70-200mm f/4 Macro G OSS II lens

Sony ECM-M1 Camera-Mount Digital Shotgun Microphone

Rode Wireless Pro

Hoya HD3 Polarizer

Hoya Solas 3-stop IRND filter

Hoya Solas 6-stop IRND filter

Slik Vari cf-704 tripod

What's in my Atlas Athlete Pack?

Sony fx3

Sony fx30

Sony E 15mm f/1.4 G lens

Sony FE 50mm f/2.5 G lens

Sony FE 14mm f/1.8 GM lens

Sony FE 70-200mm f/4 Macro G OSS II lens

Sony ECM-M1 Camera-Mount Digital Shotgun Microphone

Rode Wireless Pro

Hoya HD3 Polarizer

Hoya Solas 3-stop IRND filter

Hoya Solas 6-stop IRND filter

Slik Vari cf-704 tripod

Why I choose Atlas Packs

Thank you for visiting my Atlas Pro ambassador page. If you're looking for the right pack you've come to the right place.

About me

Thank you for visiting my Atlas Pro ambassador page. If you're looking for the right pack you've come to the right place.