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Nikki Wyss | @rawfootage_photography

I got my Atlas Packs in 2021. I have the Athlete Pack and have included a photo of my pack and list of camera gear below.

Which pack does use >> Athlete Pack


+ Nikon D5600
+ AF-P Nikkor 10-20mm DX VR
+ Nikkor 70-300mm DX
+ Nikkor 18-55mm DX VR
+ iFootage Cobra 2
+ Camera waist strap
+ X3 batteries in a bag + additional lens caps and lens cleaners.
+ Gobe 72mm ND Lense Filters
+ Gobe 55mm ND Filters

What's in my Atlas Athlete Pack?

+ Nikon D5600
+ AF-P Nikkor 10-20mm DX VR
+ Nikkor 70-300mm DX
+ Nikkor 18-55mm DX VR
+ iFootage Cobra 2
+ Camera waist strap
+ X3 batteries in a bag + additional lens caps and lens cleaners.
+ Gobe 72mm ND Lense Filters
+ Gobe 55mm ND Filters

Why I choose Atlas Packs

Embrace creating your adventure. Seize moments and relish in nature's beauty. It's cherishing life's grand and simple wonders, one frame at a time. Let's make memories and create our adventures because that's what life's all about!

About me

Embrace creating your adventure. Seize moments and relish in nature's beauty. It's cherishing life's grand and simple wonders, one frame at a time. Let's make memories and create our adventures because that's what life's all about!